August 23, 2017 CDP in the Press: The Dakota Access Pipeline Lawsuit By CDP CDP co-founder Ted Hamilton was quoted in ThinkProgress article on Energy Transfer Partner's lawsuit against environmental groups...
July 19, 2017 CDP Author: Putting the Climate Necessity Defense in Front of Juries By CDP At Earth Island Journal, CDP co-founder Ted Hamilton discusses how judges are misapplying the law by refusing...
June 23, 2017 CDP Author: Dissidents Ramp Up Direct Action Against Climate Destroyers. Who Will the Courts Defend? By CDP On Truthout, CDP co-founder Ted Hamilton analyzes the strategic value of climate necessity activism and discusses...
May 10, 2017 CDP Author: Do Climate Activists Have a Legal Justification for Civil Disobedience? By CDP CDP co-founder Ted Hamilton and Loyola University Professor Bill Quigley analyze the legal basis of the climate...
May 8, 2017 CDP in the Press: Montana Valve-Turner Trial By CDP The Corvallis, Oregon Gazette-Times featured a piece on climate activist Leonard Higgins. The article quotes CDP's Kelsey Skaggs on the climate necessity defense...
February 6, 2017 CDP Author: Here’s How Eco-Activists Can Fight Trump By CDP Activist Ken Ward admits he broke the law when he shut off a tar sands pipeline, but the surprising outcome of his trial...
February 2, 2017 CDP in the Press: Just in Time for Trump, Jury Says Defense of Planet Is No Crime By CDP CDP co-founder Kelsey Skaggs was quoted in a Common Dreams article on Ken Ward's hung jury...
February 1, 2017 CDP Author: The Virtues of Uncertainty: Lessons from the Legal Battles Over the Keystone XL Pipeline By CDP CDP co-founder Ted Hamilton has published a law review article in The Vermont Journal of Environmental...
January 30, 2017 CDP in the Press: Facing Decades in Prison, Climate Activist Says We Have ‘No Choice But Direct Action’ By CDP The groups, which also include the Climate Defense Project and the Civil Liberties Defense Center, had prepared a...
January 27, 2017 CDP in the Press: This year’s Public Service Venture Fund ‘seed grant’ recipients are advocating for climate justice, sustainable development and transgender issues By CDP With the goal of providing a stable climate for future generations, Climate Defense Project — co-founded by Kelsey...